Set Up Your Showing Here

Here’s a quick story that shows just how great our market is for sellers.

Today I want to tell you a quick story about a friend of mine who wanted to sell his house. Initially, he told me that the most he thought he could get was $280,000 for the house at most. I laughed because I had been following the recent sales in his neighborhood and I knew we could sell the home for much more.

“I told him he could have almost 60 days to find his new home after selling.”

He also had a long list of repairs he wanted to do to further increase its value. That’s a great inclination to have as a homeowner, but the truth is, we don’t need to make most of them in this market. The home was already worth $320,000 without the repairs.

He was also concerned about finding his next home, which is shared by many other homeowners. However, I let him know that if we sell his house in a week and close in another six weeks, we can then keep him in the home for up to 60 extra days to find a house and get moved in.

If you’re interested in what your home is worth and how you can time dual transitions in this market, don’t hesitate to reach out via phone or email. I look forward to hearing from you soon.