Set Up Your Showing Here

Sellers, now is the time to act.

Today I want to share a couple of stories that will give you an idea of what’s going on in the market and why right now is a great time to sell your downtown property.

Around a month ago, I was called to look at a house downtown, and it was a wreck. It was 30 years of junk and stuff, and it needed a lot of work. I offered my clients the use of a free dumpster, so they got rid of some of the stuff, and then we put the house on the market. The owners said they absolutely need to get $68,000 for it to be able to cover the mortgage on the property, so I figured they need to sell it for at least $75,000 in order to break even. 

“The bottom line is that now is a great time to sell.”

It seemed like a tall order to get that price, given the condition of the property. We listed it online, and right away, we got an offer for $45,000. I told them that we need to wait until the next Monday for our offer deadline to accept any offers. So we waited. In the last few hours, offers started to come in, and in the end, we sold the home for $101,000 cash with no inspections or repairs.

If you have a house or rental property downtown that needs some work, now is the time to sell it. It’s amazing what you can sell a property for currently.

The second story of mine concerns a friend from church whose parents had recently passed away. They had me come over to take a look at their house. I consulted them on what they should and shouldn’t do, and we listed the property for $300,000. Over the next 10 days, we generated very little interest, so we waited.

Before we knew it, one person showed some interest, and right after that, another person made an offer. Instead of getting less than $300,000, we ended up selling it for $315,000!

If you have a property to sell or any questions, don’t hesitate to give me a call or send an email right away. I’d love to help you get these kinds of results for your home sale.